Mr. Muhammad Anwar Gopalani

Human Resource Management Human Resources Consultant Ex- CHRO CDC Pakistan Limited
Mr. Muhammad Anwar Gopalani

Mr. Muhammad Anwar Gopalani is a visiting faculty for Performance & Compensation Strategy at KSBL. He enjoys more than 35 years strategic and operational exposure of Human Resource Management & Industrial Relations with top of the line national and multinational companies.

Over these years, he has been sharing his experience with students and professionals at ICAP, ICMAP, PIQC, NIPA, NED University, SZABIST, MAJU, and Establishment Division, Management Wing of Government of Pakistan.

He has served as member Board of Governors of Pakistan Society for Training & Development. (2005 – 2006) and also served as member Scholarship Committee, Petroleum Institute of Pakistan. (2004 – 2008)

Anwar enjoys strategic and operational experience in the following areas:

1. Human Resource Management.
2. Succession Planning & Potential Assessment.
3. Compensation Administration & Planning.
4. Strategic Planning & Management, vision, mission and core values.
5. Performance Management, (Leadership Assessment, 360 Degree, Balanced Score card)
6. Industrial Relations / Employment Laws. (Collective Bargaining & Compliance)
7. Organization / People Development. (OD interventions e.g., Org. Restructuring, VSS)
8. Organization Behaviour.
9. Climate Assessment, Engagement and Compensation Surveys.
10. Training Development. (TNA, TNI and Training Plan execution)
11. Psychometrics & Personality Assessment. (MBTI && Thomas DISC)

Master in political science from university of Karachi and graduation in law from S. M. Law college. Obtained post graduate diploma in “Labour Administration and Industrial Welfare”. He is certified leadership trainers from B & W USA. Accredited MBTI practitioner from Centre for Application of Psychological Type, USA. Certified Chartered Member of Australian Human Resource Institute.


M. A. Political Science from University of Karachi

Bachelor of Law (LLb) from University of Karachi

Postgraduate Diploma in Labour Administration & Industrial Welfare

Certified Facilitator, Leadership Training Program from Blessing & White, USA

Certification as Chartered Member of Australian Human Resource Institute

Accreditation from Centre for Application of Psychological Type (CAPT) USA

Professional Trainings

  • Attended numerous training programs in Pakistan and abroad on Strategic HR, Organization Development, Climate Audit, Change Management, Performance Management, Compensation Administration & Planning System, Strategic Planning etc

Consulting & Teaching Experience

  • Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited, Karachi.
    Chief Human Resource Officer
  • Organization & People Development Sui Southern Gas Company Limited.
    General Manager
  • Merck Sharp & Dohme of Pakistan Limited, subsidiary of Merck & CO. Karachi.
    Manager Human Resources
  • Philips Electrical Industries of Pakistan Limited Karachi.
    Personnel Manager
  • Canadian Jeans Company (Pvt.) Limited (Wrangler) Karachi.
    Manager Personnel & Administration
  • Consultancy projects undertook:
    • Amreli Steels Limited.
    • DYNEA Pak Limited
    • KEPCO
    • Naymat Collateral Management Company.