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IMF Event Reporting

Presentation by IMF on Pakistan Economic Review

KSBL recently hosted a presentation by IMF on Pakistan Economic Review and the current IMF Program. The presentation was led by Her Excellency Ms. Esther Perez Ruiz, Resident Representative for IMF in Pakistan. Also present were Saher Masood and Dr. Zafar Hayat serving as an economist with the IMF. The event was moderated by KSBL faculty Dr. Ahmad Junaid (Cluster Head, Finance, Economics, and Accounting).

Key executives from the corporate sector attended the presentation. This included Arif Habib Group, Engro Energy, Dawood Hercules, ACT Wind (Pvt) Limited, Lucky Cement, Dawood Investments, K-Electric, Engro Corporation, Indus Motor Corporation, EFU Insurance, and Reckitt, to name a few.

The event was also attended by KSBL Faculty, Alumni, and students.

IMF Event Reporting
IMF Event Reporting
IMF Event Reporting
IMF Event Reporting
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